Thursday, March 28, 2013


BOOK AND A CHAT RADIO INTERVIEW - Listen to Chad Schimke in an author live radio interview on A Book and a Chat Radio Show ( on the air or to the podcast at a later date. The date is Thursday 3-28-13 and the time is 6:30pm  Eastern/ 3:30 PM Pacific. He is the author of Picker, Pieces, Walker, Weirder and Enter Uno. He will also be discussing his soon-to-be-released projects Secrets and Spirits. Find Chad on his blog ( for postings on occult paranormal novels, crime dramas, art installations and city life in San Francisco. Tune in for updates on his new novel and upcoming serialized stories.

#Radio #ChadSchimke #SanFrancisco #SocialMedia #AmWriting #Horror #Thriller

Sunday, March 17, 2013


FATHER’S LAST ESCAPE -SHORT STORY REVIEW  In the context of the liquidation of their business, coupled with the presumed drowning of a servant girl and replacement with another, the father has transformed into crab/ scorpion. The short story, Father’s Last Escape by Bruno Schulz, is intentionally vague, highly fantastical and almost completely dissociative. At points there is more material devoted to elements that seem insignificant. While important aspects of characterization and plot are given a glancing treatment. There is a clear allusion to The Metamorphasis by Franz Kafka. Several times the author applies animalistic, zoomorphic and anthropomorphic qualities to the crab-like animal, characters or inanimate objects, at times interchangeably. I suppose it’s true that this might be a comment on aging, death and dying; as the literary criticism states. However, the story is so short (at less than three pages), utilizing such a high level of stream-of-consciousness, it can easily be interpreted the way any of us transform, reach an epiphany or disappear from each other’s lives--with or without notice.


Friday, March 15, 2013


FORT POINT - The fort is located near the intersection of Lincoln and Long--right next to Crissy Field--immediately under the Golden Gate Bridge. Last weekend was the civil war reenactment, Living History Day on January 26, 2013, for Fort Point in San Francisco. The fort was constructed from brick in 1853 and the Golden Gate Bridge was built around it to prevent the demolition of the historic building. The fort was occupied throughout the Civil War, used again during War II and became a national site in 1970. The living history day included infantry drills, artillery discussions, medical demonstrations, musicians (fife, drum and brass), camp life and civilians. Visiting is something that’s free to do in the city, you can park practically in front of the fort, to walk around inside all the levels of the fort. It’s amazing to see how the contoured interior chambers were built of brick, I can’t think of anything else quite like it, don’t miss your chance to see history come to life! 

Friday, March 1, 2013


REVIEW OF WEIRDER BY MELISSA BRYAN - "I really liked the has a fresh new store line. I feel in love with the characters, especial the bearded lady...-What a Lady. I don't know how she could fall in love with Pinches, like I said...What a Lady. It was fun going to the "Carnival" and getting to be part of the troupe...going behind the curtains and being able to be part of the family. I could almost smell the cotton candy and popcorn. You showed us that it is true dedication and love that is needed to be a carnie. The only problem I had was it was too short...I wanted to be a carnie longer. I want to see how it turns out...hopefully there will be a Weirder 2...Weirdest. Thanks Chad, I had a ball."