Sunday, April 10, 2016


HOW TO CITY - Summer in San Francisco means an influx of tourists. Here’s a little guide I like to call “how to city”. And, you’re welcome.

1.       Don’t suddenly stop or walk in groups abreast in the middle of the sidewalk.
2.       Look down, AKA don’t step in poop.
3.       Don’t complain about parking. If you’re driving, plan ahead to park in a lot.
4.       Make a mental note of public bathrooms and don’t pee in alleys.
5.       If you’re taking the subway, plan to stick close to Market Street. Carry single bills and change in your pocket not your wallet.
6.       Look up from your damn phone. We don't care to hear your loud phone conversations in crowded places.
7.       Carry some convenient crap in a small bag AKA the man purse.
8.       Don’t be obnoxious at public festivals and parades. Newsflash – Public nudity is not legal in San Francisco.
9.       Newly rich and newly living the city life? We don’t care.
10.   In the summer don’t wear shorts and carry a light jacket. 


  1. I dig it. Having spent 3 years in combat zones I have odd quirks when it comes to cities and crowds. Never have my back to the entrance. Avoid crowds..maybe that's just the war messing with my head.

  2. Great summary of key points; especially the jacket ;-). I visited once in early September and was so thankful that I had brought a coat. Love San Francisco and hope to be able to visit again!

  3. You can change the name to any city in the world and say exactly the same things. This would equally apply to Manila, where I live.

  4. I can dig it. Even with our heat & humidity in the ATL, businesses still require business suits, so I understand the jacket thing. Cheers!

  5. So the city has lost its hippy status then? In my mind it is still in the "Tales of the City" era ;-)

  6. I visited San Francisco five six years ago. It was October though. I really enjoyed my trip and if it wasn't across the country from my family I would have probably worked harder to get the Goodreads job.

    Girl Who Reads

  7. I'd rather visit off season, I think! ;)

  8. San Francisco is the best one for me! The second one is Denver because I always wanted to avoid traffic, and stuff so, I change my route, and it will help me on that.
