Sunday, December 13, 2015


80s HORROR MOVIES - If you love horror like I do, the 80s were a time when great flicks came to life, on the big screen. The world was very different then; and in the years since; we’ve seen VHS, DVD, Blu-ray, streaming and on-demand. There’s something about sharing scares in a packed theater and feeling reactions of patrons in the seats next to you. Many of these films are now re-makes, and I have to say, I find the industry’s recent lack of originality troubling to say the least. However you prefer to watch them, check out my short list of favorite 80s horror movies. What they might lack (slightly) in special effects, are more than made up for in innovation and excellent storytelling. No other decade can match the 80s when it comes to horror!


  1. Child’s Play absolutely terrified me the first time I watched it. I’ll never see it again!

  2. I was a kid in the '80s, and the only one I really remember well is 'Poltergeist.' It scared me, mildly, and I loved it.

  3. Does anyone remember "One Dark Night"? If so how can I get a copy?
